
We are a team of bibliophiles and writers who enjoy literary genres of all sorts.  We accept submissions in the form of short stories, poems, novel excerpts, essays, flash fiction, song lyrics, and just about anything else created using the written word.  We also love the visual arts, and are open to any work that enchants us.  We seek only to be beguiled.

Issues of Beguile are posted sporadically throughout the year. We keep contributors updated about the publication date of an issue, and will ask if you have any last-minute changes you'd like to make, shortly before publishing.

If you think your work can enchant us, feel free to send it to us at: -- but please read our guidelines below, first!

NOTE: For visual art submissions, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Submission Guidelines:

1. We hope this goes without saying, but all submissions must be the original work of the author.

2. If you are sending multiple submissions, please send only one submission per email.

3. All submissions must be sent in the body of an email, not as (an) attachment(s).

4. As a general rule, we accept pieces no longer than 3,000 words.  However, if your piece is longer, please tell us the full word count, and send us the first 3,000 words.  If we like it, we'll try to find a way to post it.

5. Please check that your spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc., are correct before sending us a piece. This is both professionalism, and a courtesy to us and to the written word in general.

6. With your submission, please include 2 short texts:

a) a brief (3-4 sentence) paragraph about yourself.  You can include links/references to any blogs, projects, etc, you're involved in and would like to promote.

b) a short (3-4 sentence) explanation about the inspiration behind your piece.

7. We are open to all forms and styles; however, we do not, and will not, condone, endorse, or post anything filled with hate, sexism, racism, or any other evil vibes.  This includes any links you might include in your biography paragraph.  Please don't even try.  Haters gonna hate, but not on our e-zine!

8. Beguile was created for pleasure, not for profit.  Thus, we can't give you any money for posting your piece.  And, of course, we won't ask you to give us any, either. :-)

9. Authors retain all rights to their work.  They are also responsible for backing up and otherwise managing their writing; Beguile and the Beguile Team are not responsible for any lost or damaged work.

10. If your piece has been published or featured elsewhere, please let us know, so that we can take the necessary steps to avoid copyright issues. 

11. If your submission is accepted, we will work closely with you to be sure you don't have any last-minute changes, etc. before the launch date.  But once an issue is posted, due to technical difficulties, WE CAN'T CHANGE ANYTHING, not even if we'd really, really like to. Please be aware of this when deciding to use your real name or a pen name, or any other details, choices, etc., that might cause you problems later.

Visual Art Submissions

The visual arts are an important part of Beguile, as well. Please contact us at if you would like to participate in this aspect of the site.  General rules regarding copyright, liability, and other matters, can be found in our Submission Guidelines, above.